These are really great and I recommend taking them if you get a chance too because they give you jobs that you may of never imagined you could of been involved with. Maybe something you could really like could pop up and catch your eye! Sadly I'm still looking but a few of theses websites have help give me an idea of what I might want to do. Let me know if you know of any other good websites to check out.
Hello Rudy! I have a few sites that might be interesting. A good place to start is the Holland Code (RIASEC) Test. It's really popular, so there's a chance you might recognize it from taking it in a previous English class or something. The particular site that I linked to,, has several other tests that might be helpful in a sort of "self-knowledge" way, especially the Big Five Personality Test and the Jung Types Test. The latter is especially helpful in searching for careers-- pages such as this one list possible careers for each of the Jung types. Finally, when I got my results back from the ACT (which included an optional personality/career test at the beginning) I was intrigued by the graphical representation of career preferences that they call the World-of-Work map. I was hoping to find the test online, but I guess I can't find an exact duplicate because it's copyrighted or something. I did find a pretty detailed worksheet on the same concept, but since it isn't blind like the one on the ACT you might get some slightly skewed results thanks to confirmation bias et cetera. Anyway, hopefully these will help someone!